Parents & Teachers

Hello Parents and Teachers,

Our e-SMARTkids website is your hub for energy education. We use videos, games, experiments, and activities to teach students and families about energy science and safety. The content is geared to a range of interests and reading levels and can be used by students in elementary and middle school.

Please invite your student/s to check out all of the following learning experiences offered here.

  • Our safety guidance teaches students and families how to prevent, recognize, and respond to utility emergencies.
  • Our Get SMART modules address core subject matter and support English/Language Arts, Science, and Health academic standards.
  • Our experiments and activities give students important opportunities for hands-on learning, research, and scientific inquiry.
  • Our interactive games and streaming videos educate while they entertain.

Use this website in the classroom or for remote learning at home to help ensure your students stay energy-SMART and safe!

Diverse Boy on computer.